These are a few of my favorite barre things

It’s truly no secret to anyone who knows me or follows my Instagram that I’m a bit of a barre-obsessed individual lately. Going to The Barre Code in East Lansing is something that has changed my life for the better. I am within five classes of hitting 100 total, which has been a major goal of mine ever since I started back in September.

As one might imagine, going to classes four to five times a week has helped to make a major change in my mental and physical health. I have also made friends with women who are just as crazy as I am when it comes to dutifully and enthusiastically waking up for 6am classes. But going to classes that often has meant something else: a lot of laundry.

I go through my barre clothes so quickly throughout the week that I find myself running a load of laundry at least once a week, if not twice. More often than not, I have pairs of barre socks air drying on top of the washing machine. And, as it usually happens, there are those favorite workout clothes that you wish you could just buy in bulk and wear every single time. Nothing ruins my experience exercising more than being uncomfortable, or tugging up my pants, or pulling down at my shirt.

But lately, I’ve settled into a groove now that I have discovered my desert-island must-have favorite barre clothes. Thankfully, the things I’m loving lately are as reasonably priced as they are fun to wear.

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