When change happens at a snail’s pace

This past weekend, the Barre Code wrapped up its Resolution Remix challenge for the month of January. The goal was to use a bingo card filled with challenges to mix things up, from trying new formats and class times to completing a one-minute plank or 20 burpees. I knew with the right amount of planning, I could accomplish my goal of blacking out my bingo card.

I was so excited when I finished up the challenge with over a week to spare, filling in all of the spaces by January 23rd. I was the second client at our studio to get it done, and by this weekend, there were 19 of us who accomplished this goal.

All the remix bingos

This challenge helped push me into a new gear for the beginning of 2019. I’ve been a faithful Barre Code client since hitting the ground running (or tucking, or squatting, or pulsing, rather) in September 2018, but the Resolution Remix challenge was just the thing I needed to tap into that New Year Motivation mood.

Then, this past Super Bowl Sunday, Zack and I also participated in a 5k with his boss, Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Governor Whitmer’s goal for 2019 is to complete one 5k a month, and she just so happened to be signed up for one not too far from our house. When Zack said he had volunteered to help staff the governor and needed to do the 5k, I decided to sign up at the last minute. While my shins are really feeling it a couple of days later, it was so great to do something new and unexpected to mix up my routine.

Getting to that finish line with the governor

These accomplishments are helping to distract me from the fact that while I’m transforming in some ways, other things aren’t changing as quickly. The big one is the number on the scale.

That darn scale. No matter how often I try to avoid using it all together, or try to focus on the strength I have gained over these last several months, I can’t help but let a part of me focus on the fact that this is one tangible change I’m not seeing yet. The number, though lower now than it was in September, is moving at a snail’s pace.

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