The story of how we met

My favorite movie of all time is “When Harry Met Sally…”

To me, it’s the perfect movie. It’s sweet, hilarious, romantic, and timeless (despite the fantastic 80s fashions). There’s also a brief mention of Michigan State, which only adds to its perfection.

I often associate “When Harry Met Sally…” with the beginning of my relationship with my husband, Zack, because we watched it together on the day we officially started dating. It always reminds me of that exciting and fun time whenever we watch it.

Some of the best parts of the movie are the documentary-style vignettes of couples describing how they met each other. Their stories are based on real-life couples, although they are portrayed by actors in the movie.

Sometimes I imagine us telling the story of how we met on camera sort of like those couples, because it’s such a far-fetched, improbable, one in a billion kind of tale that it feels unreal. I’ve shared the story with friends, family, and even the MSU Alumni Association at Valentine’s Day.

Most people assume, correctly, that we met at Michigan State. But there’s so much more to the story.

We met thanks to iTunes. And we met in person on May 6, 2004. Seventeen years ago today.

So here’s the story of when Zack met Stefanie.

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