Raising eyebrows with Riley Van Ness

One of my most prominent and expressive features is my eyebrows. I attribute them and my general hairiness to my Mediterranean heritage. Despite my best efforts in high school to rid myself of them (why were sperm eyebrows a thing we did?), they have thankfully survived and thrived over the years.

My eyebrows have been through the ringer, even beyond the over-plucking days of my teens. They’ve been tweezed, waxed, threaded, tinted, you name it. In the last year, I’ve started to embrace their near-unibrow tendencies and let them grow out in the middle. Honestly, it has changed my face. Looking at old photos helps me realize how wonky they looked when I fought how they wanted to grow.

Having my eyebrows done is one of those self-care maintenance items that I now try to make a priority. And Riley Van Ness at Kenneth Brandt Salon and Spa in Mason is the woman who helps rescue them each month.

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