Four highlights from the Detroit Free Press Food and Wine Experience

Zack and I love to watch Top Chef on Bravo. Of all of the cooking shows out there, it’s the one we watch religiously for every season and every incarnation. And it has always been our dream to be one of the goofball members of the public who get to try the chefs’ food during the challenges.

When I first read about the Detroit Free Press Food and Wine Experience, it sounded like the type of event that would live up to our Top Chef dreams. A Saturday in September, just days after Zack’s birthday? The perfect birthday present. Dozens of restaurants from around downtown Detroit and other parts of the state were going to be convening in Campus Martius Park for an afternoon of delicious food and wine, as well as panel discussions and cooking demonstrations.

But the crown jewel was the announcement that lifestyle queen Martha Stewart would be the headliner. CAN YOU IMAGINE? For decades, Martha has been an icon. My mom has always told me how much the Martha way impacted how she entertains, and I think all would agree my mom is an A+ entertainer through and through.

The event was held yesterday on one of the most gorgeous days of the summer, and we couldn’t have been happier with how everything went. I enjoyed seeing so many people downtown and celebrating the innovative food options all of the restaurants had to offer.

Here are my four highlights of the Detroit Free Press Food and Wine Experience:


Part of our tickets was the opportunity to have a book signing with Martha and also receive some fun Martha swag (craft paints and a square ladle – Martha says it’s perfect for making jams because the squared-off edge allows you to pour it into a jar without spilling so obviously I will be making jams very soon while using it). I barely spit out that my mom adores her and that I wanted one of our books made out to her and she gave me this smile and it gives me life. It will keep me warm through the next dozen Michigan winters.

I’m also kicking myself that I didn’t bring her a present from Michigan, like one of the Kalamazoo Candle Company Pumpkin Patch candles I’m obsessed with and will be blogging about in the near future. Maybe she would have talked about them in her blog or in Martha Stewart Living. I’m still kicking myself for this blown opportunity. Martha and I might have been real friends and she could have invited me to her farm in Bedford.

Alas, she was lovely and our time together was too short. Until next time, for your 90th cookbook.

    It was lunchtime when we went through the gates of the festival, and we were ready. At first we thought we’d do a lap before committing to eating things, or start in the back and work our way forward like you do in Cedar Point (pro tip right there), but the early tents enticed us and it was a free for all. Some of my favorite things I had were the cold brew float with cake batter ice cream (!!!!!!!) from New Order Coffee, the pork belly slider from Wright & Company, a chicken schwarma on a steamed Chinese bun from Grey Ghost, and this salad from Gold Cash Gold:
    I wish I had taken more photos of the food, but truthfully I didn’t want to be that person, and I was gobbling things up before I even had a chance to set up a photo. We also received stemless wine glasses to try different wines, ciders, and other drinks, so there was a lot to juggle.As someone with a shellfish allergy, I appreciated that I was able to try more than 90% of what was being offered by the restaurants. One of the only things I couldn’t try was the shrimp and grits.

    I had only been to Campus Martius Park during the holidays, which was very magical even though it was freezing cold that day. I remember the ice skating rink and doing Christmas shopping in a pop-up shop, and despite the cold there was a nice amount of people enjoying Detroit.Yesterday was textbook perfect as far as the weather went, and the areas of shade were a welcome reprieve from the sun, especially after sitting through Martha’s cooking demo in the bright sunshine.
    I love that Martha wore shades for the whole demo.

Because we were able to get into the park an hour ahead of the general public, we had the opportunity to walk around before it got very crowded. A jazz band did a few sets, and that music paired with the food and the wine and the cute little green metal tables made it feel like Detroit was the most happening place alive.

The book signing (and some of the other add-on events) was held at Parc, which is an absolutely gorgeous and very cool restaurant. I loved the light fixtures, the large portraits of Michael Jackson and John Lennon, the way the glass doors were slid open to the patio and created an open-air feel. I’m definitely dying to go back there for lunch or dinner. It was the perfect setting for the book signing and a place to lounge as we waited.


Yes, it’s true. As we were getting ready to walk through the Martha Stewart tent, we saw Martha walking right toward us with an entourage of cameras and people. She was filming a Facebook Live video, and if you go to about the 11:25 mark in the video, you’ll see us in the background and me freaking out about it.

Hi, Martha!

I’m not sure if subsequent years will be able to top this fantastic event, but I’ll be happy to find out next year if they do it again. A sunny afternoon of eating, drinking, and people watching was a wonderful way to celebrate Zack’s birthday. It’s a good thing!


For the love of apple cider and donuts

September is my most favorite month for a litany of reasons. First and foremost, I was born in September, so from birth it has always been a magical month. September is also home to my husband Zack’s birthday, my dad’s birthday, my sister in law’s birthday, and several special sapphire friends’ birthdays.

September weather can bring some of the most delicious Michigan days of the year. Back to school excitement is in the air, as so wonderfully observed by Tom Hanks in “You’ve Got Mail”:

And September also means a very special time: CIDER MILL TIME. Michigan apples are bomb, and everyone knows it. So, naturally, apple cider from Michigan apples is the nectar of the gods.

Continue reading “For the love of apple cider and donuts”

Strangers, please don’t tell me I have my hands full

When I run errands with my two girls, there are a handful of things that typically happen. The combination of automatic doors and Midwest politeness means there’s almost always help getting in and out of a store. There are remarks about the girls being cute, or questions about their ages. A lot of times at the grocery store, people will say Stella is such a good helper as she wheels around her Stella-sized cart while I push Margot in the stroller.

The questions and comments are something I don’t mind; in many ways I’ve grown used to unsolicited conversations with strangers ever since the first time I was pregnant. Often they’re well-meaning, but can stray into inappropriate town. “When are you due? What are you having? Are you having twins?” Over time I think all moms learn how to smile, nod, and be polite when faced with the infinite and limited loop of questions about themselves and/or their children.

But the seemingly innocent, throwaway comment that grinds my gears the most is when someone says, “you have your hands full.” At least people have enough of a filter to leave out the “wow” or “eesh” or “good luck to you, lady.” The sight of a woman simultaneously pushing a stroller and pulling a cart with another kid riding shotgun must seem overwhelming enough to elicit this response. To me, it’s a Thursday.

This proclamation clearly has a negative, glad-I’m-not-in-your-shoes connotation. It doesn’t offer something positive, it doesn’t lend a hand. It’s also stating the obvious. Yes, this shopping trip would probably (okay definitely) be more productive if I were flying solo right now. Yes, I am rolling deep with two ladies under the age of five. My hair is also brown.

What’s annoying is that I thought I was kicking ass in this department. I have figured out where to park and who to unbuckle first and the easiest way to navigate a store. More often than not, shopping trips with my little ladies have been relatively pain-free up to this point, save for the mid-trip potty break for Stella or digging through my bag to find a toy for Margot that’ll keep her occupied for a few more minutes. Yet nearly every time I’m shopping with the both of them, I hear it. “You have your hands full!”

I don’t need a medal or a pat on the back for doing what people do each and every day, even though a successful errand with kids can feel like a personal triumph. I also don’t need a stranger’s verbal assessment of what I have going on. In this increasingly scary and wild world, filled with hateful people and extreme weather events and devastation, my “hands full” is pretty low on the totem pole compared to what others are dealing with.

When it comes down to it, moms are pretty incredible. My cousin Alexis just flew alone with her four children back to Germany, where they are living the next couple years for her husband’s job. My friend Amy sent me a Snapchat today of herself having to pump on the floor near a choir room at her school. My friend Stephanie teaches Zumba throughout the week and does graphic design work while her girls are napping. My friend Julia taught yoga up until the day she gave birth her second daughter.

That is just a handful of the amazing, multitasking moms I have the pleasure of knowing. We’re all doing our best and kicking ass and don’t have time for people saying our hands are full instead of helping hold the door or giving a smile that says “you got this, girl” or simply going about their own days without the running commentary.

Yes, sir, I guess my hands are full. So is my heart.

Now can you please move your cart so mama can get her hands on some of that Halo Top?

loving: Sigh Studio of Music in Old Town

When it came to being home with two little girls this summer, I learned how ever-important it was to have at least a couple outings planned per week. That is, beyond adventures to the grocery store that either went very smoothly (a patient baby Margot) or not so much (a Supermarket Sweep-level of maneuvering with the cart in the middle of Kroger for a Stella potty break).

Last Friday was our first visit to the Sigh Studio of Music in Old Town, which was holding a free demo class for children. I first met Melissa Sigh a few years ago, when she was holding music classes at a location off of Saginaw in Lansing and at Mother & Earth Baby Boutique in Old Town. Stella enjoyed the classes very much when she was smaller, so the free demo seemed like a great opportunity to see how Margot might do.

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take all of my money, Target

Hello my name is Stefanie and I, like many, am obsessed with Target. My heart goes pitter patter when I go through the automatic doors and see the rows of red carts. What treasures will be found on the shelves of the Dollar Spot? What seasonal items will be featured in the far back corner of the store? It’s all a rush. And, as a bargain shopper, it’s all about the thrill of the hunt to find already-affordable items wearing those pretty red sale stickers.

The transition from end of summer to fall is a bittersweet one. When it comes to Stella (and subsequently Margot… sorry kid, your life will be one of very cute hand-me-downs), I love using this time to stock up on marked-down summer clothes for the next year. And with Stella heading to her last year of preschool, it’s been fun to shop for back-to-school clothes.

I’ve already stocked her up on clothing from Carters and Old Navy, but it was tough to pass up some of the adorable finds at Target today.

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learning how to make pasta

I enjoy eating pasta as much as the next person, but it wasn’t until Aziz Ansari’s pasta obsession in “Master of None” that I realized how much I wanted to learn how to make it. The way Aziz is about food in general on that show speaks to me on a spiritual level.

When we watched the early episodes of the second season, with Aziz learning how to make pasta in Italy, Zack and I kept talking about wanting to finally learn the art of pasta.

After being married for eight years and together for 13, coming up with creative and thoughtful gifts for special occasions can be tough. That’s why we’ve leaned toward experience gifts lately: concerts, a weekend trip, tickets to a live event, etc. For our eighth wedding anniversary earlier this month, I did some Google-fu for pasta making classes in our area, and found the Lansing Pasta Company, founded by Nicholas Fila.

Continue reading “learning how to make pasta”

etsy love: CreativeSpiritGlass

After a relatively quiet summer, wedding season has been on full blast this last month. Jen’s wedding was on August 5th, we had a family wedding the following weekend, and next weekend will be my college friend Sayee’s wedding in metro Detroit.

While I’m all about sticking to the registry when it comes to wedding and shower gifts, I’ve also enjoyed finding opportunities to give couples a timeless gift that will always remind them of their wedding day.

A favorite Etsy shop I’ve discovered is Anne Malone’s CreativeSpiritGlass. Anne is from Greenwich, Connecticut, and her shop is filled with beautiful stained glass art pieces, jewelry boxes, and sun catchers. Anne also creates custom-designed frames and keepsake boxes using invitations.

Continue reading “etsy love: CreativeSpiritGlass”

making my best friend’s brooch bouquet

I first met Jen in the seventh grade, when she started going to Kingswood Middle School.  We had both just turned 12 years old. I remember going to her for advice about a friend because she seemed so wise to me, and since then we’ve been friends for almost 20 years.

Jen was my maid of honor when I got married in 2009, and earlier this month she got married to her fantastic husband McDonald. Although Jen and Mac weren’t having an official wedding party, I wanted to find a way to help Jen on her wedding day.

She’s an artist and was creating many of the wedding elements herself, from their illustrated portraits on the wedding invitations to the watercolor seating cards. When she mentioned in July that she had hoped to create a brooch bouquet but wasn’t sure she’d have the time, I volunteered. I wanted to create something memorable and special that she would be able to keep forever. Continue reading “making my best friend’s brooch bouquet”

That time Margot was the #Hamilkid of the week

Last September, my husband and I had the insanely good fortune of seeing “Hamilton” when we were in New York. It’s everything we had hoped for and more.

At the time, I was pregnant with our daughter Margot, and spent much of the show feeling her kick the right side of my tummy. Her favorite songs were with the Schuyler sisters.

My husband’s cousin Jessi made us an adorable set of embroidered onesies when our first daughter Stella was born, and we were treated to some very special ones from her when Margot was on the way. This “Hamilton” onesie is one of my personal favorites!

I tweeted this photo when Margot turned seven months old earlier this month and used the #Hamilkids hashtag. Little did I know our Hamilton baby would be featured on the newly-released Hamilton app as the #Hamilkid of the Week:

Nice work, sweet girl! And special thanks to my friend Jack for spotting Margot on the Hamilton app! 🙂


Someday, someday
Yeah you’ll blow us all away…