take all of my money, Target

Hello my name is Stefanie and I, like many, am obsessed with Target. My heart goes pitter patter when I go through the automatic doors and see the rows of red carts. What treasures will be found on the shelves of the Dollar Spot? What seasonal items will be featured in the far back corner of the store? It’s all a rush. And, as a bargain shopper, it’s all about the thrill of the hunt to find already-affordable items wearing those pretty red sale stickers.

The transition from end of summer to fall is a bittersweet one. When it comes to Stella (and subsequently Margot… sorry kid, your life will be one of very cute hand-me-downs), I love using this time to stock up on marked-down summer clothes for the next year. And with Stella heading to her last year of preschool, it’s been fun to shop for back-to-school clothes.

I’ve already stocked her up on clothing from Carters and Old Navy, but it was tough to pass up some of the adorable finds at Target today.

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